You probably noticed along the way the various tall and low trees, inviting you to admire their trunks and lush treetops. Trees are considered a symbol and natural and supernatural; in Slovenian folk tales, they actually sensed and spoke, and represented the connection to the afterlife.

In rural lands, they were always at the centre of meetings and gatherings, all the important events took place under their treetops, like various marriage celebrations, holiday festivities, and celebrations of war victories. Under the tree, especially under lime (linden) trees, important decisions were made on the fate of settlements and local communities. Landscaping eventually led to avenues. The avenue of tree before you – 55 of them altogether – signifies the close connection between man and tree, even today.

This is also part of our cultural heritage, and Municipality of Bistrica ob Sotli has therefore planted tree species that thrive in this Kozjansko and Obsotelje environment, as well as cherry trees, wild cherry trees, sweet chestnut trees, large-leaved linden (tilia) trees, common hornbeams, and some less-known, but very common in the past, service trees and European wild pear trees.

The trees in the Avenue Klestje will slowly grow, providing habitats for animals, attracting hard-working bees with their nectar, and offering hikers a shade and succulent fruits.


Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa krepitve regionalnih razvojnih potencialov za obdobje 2007−2013 za obdobje 2012-2014, razvojne prioritete »Razvoj regij«; prednostne usmeritve »Regionalni razvojni programi«.