| Simpozij “Čas in kras” - International symposium “Time in Karst” |
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU in Karst Waters Institute (ZDA) med 14. in 18. marcem 2007 organizirata v Postojni mednarodni simpozij “Čas in kras”. Simpozij bo osvetlil različne vidike proučevanja krasa kot posebnega geomorfološkega pojava, kot edinstvenega mesta za biogeografske in evolucijske študije, ter kot izrednega mesta pomembnega tudi za geološke raziskave, ki nam pomagajo razumeti pretekle dogodke v zemeljski zgodovini. Na srečanju bodo prispevke predstavili številni ugledni mednarodni znanstveniki iz 27 držav. Udeleženci simpozija bodo svoje poglede izmenjali in strnili tudi tekom strokovnih ekskurzij. Simpozij sofinancira Evropska Unija, program Marie Curie konference in izobraževalni tečaji (SMART-KARST).
Besedilo: Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU
Karst Research Institute at ZRC SAZU and Karst Waters Institute (U.S.A) are jointly organizing the international symposium on “Time in Karst”, held in Postojna, Slovenia, March 14 – March 18, 2007. The symposium will highlight different aspects of studying karst as a special geomorphological feature, as a unique place for biogeographical and evolution studies and as an important geological site which can provide information regarding past geological events. Oral and poster presentations are prepared by internationally renowed scientists from 27 countries. In addition to these presentations participants will also exchange their experiences also during field trips. The symposium is co-financed by the European Union, Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses (SMART-KARST).
Text: Karst Research Institute at ZRC SAZU